Tandem Flight, Hang Gliding In Rio De Janeiro

[page_title] whith master Assad!

Flying from Asa delta in Rio de Janeiro with one of the most experienced pilots in Brazil is a unique experience that you can have with the Assad pilot team.  Tandem Hang Gliding in Rio Brazil Tandem Hang Gliding in Rio Brazil [page_title]

Rio de Janeiro has incredible scenery and that seen from the top on a hang gliding flight can awaken unique and unforgettable sensations. With the Flight of Asa Delta in Rio de Janeiro with Assad, you will carry in your luggage emotions and unique sensations that you can share with friends and family in the footage made with a Go Pro installed in Assad Delta.

Come fly from Asa Delta in Rio de Janeiro

This is a special invitation so that your visit to Rio de Janeiro is unforgettable, especially for those who love adventure, the new, the different and who want unique sensations. The free flight of hang gliders in Rio de Janeiro, besides the own sensations of the flight brings the beauties of the beaches and mountains of the wonderful city.

Come live that unique experience.


Contact us now!!

Book your flight now 

Cellphone & Whatsapp; +55 (21) 99343-3380

